Friday, January 14, 2011

Yes more rain

We did have a break from the rain - for about 20 days over Christmas and New Year which brought the final total for 2010 to about 1000mm! Thats about three times the average for over the last decade. Have I mentioned this before? I think I may have.
Anyway it started raining again on Tuesday and since then we have had 182mm. The creek is a raging torrent and has slammed a huge tree up against the bridge. The little carpark besides the doctor's surgery that has for many years had a sign at its entrance warning that the carpark may flood - did so last night. We had no power for 16 hours because a tree brought down the powerlines just up the road. Yes its flooding in Queensland but its also flooding here.
The garden looks splendiferous - the lawn so green it hurts your eyes. The chook run is a swimming pool and the vegetable garden is an island in an even bigger swimming pool. On a different matter something hungry has paid a visit to our apple trees. The ground is littered with gnawed apples! Well known author Jackie French maintains that birds only eat the ripest choicest fruit and as our apples are nowhere near ripe these were either very stupid birds or very hungry birds or maybe not even birds at all......

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